The aim of this article “Beretta Ciao Boilers: Problems and Solutions” is to provide details about this boiler model. Despite the fact that this is a very good boiler that is commonly used, there is not a lot of information about it, at least not as much as other boiler models. In addition to some general information, we will also include the main error codes, their causes, and some other interesting information.
How to understand Beretta Ciao error codes
The Beretta company is part of Riello and has extensive experience in the heating appliance market. Like practically all boilers currently, Beretta Ciao boilers have a very clear system of error codes that allow the user to obtain information about the fault causes in the boiler, as well as a set of solutions.
As every good boiler technician knows, the error codes in the manual are not always accurate, and it’s easy to confuse them with other error codes. Sometimes it’s difficult to distinguish one solution from another. Experience allows you to find the best solution, especially when it involves a simultaneous problem with several of the boiler’s components.
Error code A01 in a Beretta Ciao boiler, for example, indicates a warning of a blockage or electronic failure in the ACF module, while error A07 or A08, for instance, could be an indication of excess temperature and contains information about it.

The error codes found in your user manual are very useful at providing clues about what is wrong. Similar to error code systems with other brands, Beretta Ciao’s error code system is divided into 2 warning and error types:
- Errors that cause the boiler to temporarily stop working. These are errors that do not necessarily require human intervention. The boiler will try and restart automatically. As soon as the problem causing the boiler to stop working is resolved, the boiler will automatically restart and continue to work normally. For example, when a false flame is detected, the unit will stop working and an A11 error will be displayed, followed by a restarting attempt. However, as soon as the flame actually ignites, the boiler will continue to operate as normal.
- Errors that cause the boiler to stop working permanently. These involve errors in the processes and components that require human intervention in order to be resolved. According to the Beretta manual, human intervention means seeking technical assistance. It is in no way recommended the user try to solve this kind of problem. Examples of this error type include: when the thermostat has reached the maximum temperature, when the smoke probe detects an excess temperature, or when there is a failure in the electronic card.

In addition to the above two errors, another one should be added. This error is a combination of both of these errors. Some errors cause the unit to temporarily stop working and if they cannot be resolved, they become errors that cause the unit to stop working permanently. This can happen when, for example, the temperature in the return probe is too high. The stoppage is temporary at first but if it cannot be solved, it will result in a permanent stoppage until the excess temperature has been resolved.
Beretta Ciao boiler problems and error codes
The below list of error codes refers to the Beretta Ciao Green model’s manual.
OFF | Off mode (OFF) | None |
– | Stand by | Notification |
A01 | Lock alarm by ACF Module | Permanently locked |
A01 | Electronic fault alarm in ACF | Permanently locked |
A02 | Thermostat limit alarm | Permanently locked |
A03 | Fan alarm | Permanently locked |
A04 | Water pressure switch alarm | Permanently locked |
A06 | Sanitary NYC fault (only w/ heating connection) | Notification |
A07 | NTC heating supply fault | Temporarily locked |
A07 | Excess temperature in the heating feed probe | Temporary lock leading to permanent lock |
A07 | Supply / return probe differential alarm | Permanently locked |
A08 | NTC heating return fault | Temporarily locked |
A08 | Excess temperature in heating return probe | Temporary lock leading to permanent lock |
A08 | Return / supply probe differential alarm | Permanently locked |
A09 | Cleaning the primary exchanger | Notification |
A09 | NTC fume fault | Temporarily locked |
A09 | Excess temperature in the flue gas probe | Permanently locked |
A11 | False flame (burner is off) | Temporarily locked |
A77 | Low temperature thermostat alarm | Temporarily locked |
80°C (Intermittent) | Temporary lock, waiting to power on | Temporarily locked |
ADJ | Service calibration | Notification |
ADJ | Installation calibration | Notification |
ADJ | Chimney cleaning | Notification |
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